The Story Behind The Art; The Gathering Lake ‘24
It’s been a season. There have been many difficult relational things in our community. So it was all the sweeter be at the same old lake with the same old gal pals to snack, spalsh, sunbathe and just enjoy one another’s company.
I’m getting a little nervous for Plein Air Coeur D’Alene. (A supposedly beginner friendly show I had the audacity to registor for. What was I thinking?) To combat the prevailing thought that I’ll get to Idaho, freeze and produce nothing worthy of the show, I’ve been binge-watching watercolor tutorials on YouTube. They were amazing. Until they turned my brain into mush and I forgot how to paint altogether.
Thankfully, mountains and water settle my soul. Being with life-giving women at the resevoir only helped to quiet the chaos of techniques swirling around in my mind and I was able to just paint.
This isn’t the first time I’ve painted the reservoir, but it’s definitely my favorite. I don’t have all my previous renditions of this lake, but below is one of one of my girls when we' were out for a kayak. (Obviously it was done from a photo back on shore.)
Call me a hippie or granola or agrarian or whatever label you’d like to asign, but I truly believe that all humans need connections with creation and deep connections in a community. We all feel better when we go for a walk in the woods or get our hands dirty in the garden or walk barefoot on a beach. Science has proven it. Getting both nature and meaningful relationships at the same time feels like the nearest thing to paradise to me.
Gathering Lake ‘23, (my:) girl on an orange kayak, watercolor & ink, property of Elicia Johnson
I’ve met so many people in the past few years that have had difficult experiences with people and places of faith. Far too many have had the Bible used as a weapon against them. My heart breaks for the things done in Jesus’ name that have only caused hatred and hurt. I like the way my friend Noah put it recently, “When these things happen, just please know that people are the problem. Jesus is the solution.”
But there is a love letter in creation, as well. When God’s other revalations (and image bearers) strike the wrong chord, don’t give up. If you keep seeking the Truth, you will find it.
You will find the story of uncontainable power, daintiest wonders, delightful beauties, limitless love and unending faithfulness.
You will find there is a Healer whose name is written in the natural world around you.
If you’d like a pencil pouch or a magnet with this year’s painting of the gathering lake, you can find those and oodles of other things like stickers and stationary in my redbubble store here.
I hope you take time for rest in nature. It’s a different level of rest when you figure out what suits you. If you hate gardening, don’t assume planting a few flowers or tomatoes will help you feel better. If camping seems like the biggest chore on earth to you, maybe try a day trip to an easily accessible body of water or an easy hike. Get away from yard lights and enjoy a late night taking in the starry sky. Personally, I’ll take it all as often as I can. I think the only thing that holds very little interest for me is deserty places and even then I can appreciate the beauty. For a time.
I’m not sure how people actually get paid to travel and take in the world’s wonders and believe me, I’ve looked into all the freelancing gigs. But if anyone would like to pay for me to travel the world writing, painting and drawing about the world’s wonders, I’m accepting sponsors, hahaha!
For now, Montana and the sourrounding USA it is. And I’m so grateful for views like these to restore my soul.